
Morning Time DJ Tom Severino, recorded at the station about January 15, 1975.

A Sportscast with Sports Director John Schaffner, recorded off the air — March 1976

Evening DJ Tom Shannon (not the Tom Shannon found on CKLW) is featured in this archive recorded at the station around July 1, 1975 from 7:28pm to 8:05pm.

Randy Carson: Randy took over from Tom Severino as the morning wake-up personality and News Director during 1975. This snippet recorded off the air on December 22, 1975, starting at 8:49am, features several Bulletin Board items and the Oak Harbor News with Kathy Jackson.

Mid-day personality Bill Beinke, recorded December 22, 1975 shortly after 9:00am.

Bill Beinke reading news headlines, March 1976.

News Opening Jingle 1: WRWR played this piece at the start of every top-of-the-hour newscast in the early 1970s.

News Closing Jingle 1: This piece closed every top-of-the-hour newscast in the early 1970s.

News Opening Jingle 2: Played at the start of every top-of-the-hour newscast in the mid-1970s.

Sign-Off Announcement — 1976.

Last 7-1/2 minutes before sign off — Sunday March 14, 1976.

Ad for Tri-Motors Sales (auto dealership) — Steve Holzaepful reads the final news — NOAA Weather Radio recorded forecast — patriotic bicentennial items — sign-off announcement with national anthem.